Manger6 weeks - 2 years
Our Manger room cares for babies and children from 6 weeks to 2 years old. This room caters for up to 12 children per day with 3 educators available to nurture and care for your child. Manger is a child directed space, allowing your child to freely play, explore and express themselves in a loving, supported environment. Learning activities created by qualified early childhood teachers will reflect your child’s interest and developmental needs.
Indoor play area
Manger has a wide range of toys for the differing developmental and age ranges. Resources in the Manger room are swapped regularly to ensure a diverse and engaging environment for our children. This area is especially utilised during wet or very hot weather.
Outdoor play area
The manger outdoor play area is fitted with a shade cloth, swing, astro turf and a sandpit for the children to enjoy. The area also includes a variety of resources that are changed daily to provide variety and stimulation for your little one. This area is utilised throughout the day weather permitting.
Cot room
This is our cot room where our babies sleep. It is fitted with black out curtains, an air purifier and reverse cycle air conditioning to ensure that children are comfortable. Each child has their own linen for the day that is washed at the centre so there’s no need for parents to supply or wash their own linen. The staff will keep to the nap time routines that you maintain at home as much as possible so that your child adjusts quickly to their new sleep environment and is able to have restful sleep while at the centre.
Meal time
At Canning Bridge Early Learning Centre the following meals are provided; Breakfast, Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Late Snack.
The children a enjoy storytime while their food is being served. As much as the staff are able, they will keep to the meal time routines that are already set in place at home.
Meals times are typically:
Morning Tea: 9.30am
Lunch: 11am
Afternoon tea: 2.30pm
This does not include any bottles that they may have before or after sleeps etc.
If your child is still newborn and reliant on milk or formula (not yet on solids) staff will endeavour to keep to the home feeding schedule that parents provide.
At Canning Bridge Early Learning Centre our programming is underpinned by the National Quality Standards (NQS) and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), as well as a Christain world view. The EYLF guide our Programming and Reflection Cycle including practices and teachings based upon Belonging, Becoming and Being.
Belonging is based upon the knowledge of “where and with whom you belong”. This also “acknowledges a child’s interdependence with others and the basis of relationships in defining identities”. Becoming is the development of “identity, knowledge, understandings, capacities, skills and relationships”. It is the understanding that children are “shaped by many different events and circumstances”. Being is regarding children “knowing themselves, building and maintaining relationships with others, engaging with life’s joys and complexities, and meeting challenges in everyday life”.
The staff greatly appreciate input from parents as to any developmental milestones that the children have managed while not at day care or are having difficulty with. When parents let the educators know this, they are able to implement activities to the curriculum in order to encourage the strengthening of these.